Get ExpressVPN on Windows.
Vil du ha ExpressVPN på din Windows?
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ExpressVPN has released a new app and website interface. If the images you see below do not reflect the latest app or website interface, note that the instructions still apply unless otherwise specified.

Default Windows network settings for Windows 7 and 8 are not optimized for today’s fast internet traffic and VPN speeds.

When the Optimize Windows networking to maximize VPN speed box is checked, that means the ExpressVPN app has applied the latest recommended settings from Microsoft.

expressvpn for windows network settings

The applied settings are:

  • Setting Receive Window Auto-Tuning Level to ‘normal’
  • Disabling Heuristics

However, if you’re noticing particularly slow speeds or general network issues, you can restore the default Windows network settings by clicking on the hamburger menu (≡) > Options Advanced Network settings > unchecking the box.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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